Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Goodbye is the hardest word

Making it to the airport at 0400 is a super human feat and it takes a miracle to get there on time. Despite sleeping very little, everyone made it to Changi that morning. Deb showed up with 15 boxes from MMS to "tumpang" (piggy back) back to COSI. We thought that since they came with literally nothing, there would be plenty of spare luggage left. We were dead wrong!

The kids went home flooded with clothes, books, toys and so many other stuff generously given to them. Indeed, when I received them on Sept 11 at Changi, I was humbled at how little they have. Going back, I was amazed at how much they were taking back, all gifts of love from various people. If anything, the lesson that God provides abundantly for us was so clearly demonstrated. Deb had a lot of MMS boxes to take home that morning.

The mood was understandably sombre. Mobiles were busy with many of the kids receiving good bye calls from friends who got up early to say farewell. There wasn't many smiles, but plenty of tears. It was painful for us to leave them after growing so attached seeing them everyday for a month, and I'm sure for them too.

SC gathered the people together for prayer and before we knew it, one by one the kids entered the departure gate reluctantly. I stubbornly refused to say goodbye as I assured the kids that I will see them again soon, but that was just a brave front on my part.

Just as they have come so suddenly, they are now gone. Many homes and our church felt their absence in the days to come. Sad as it is, we were glad that we could play a small part through Project Tic Tac to help the 8 kids. Somehow, I know its a start of greater things to come for them as well for us.

But goodbye IS the hardest word.

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